Saturday, September 26, 2009

The RHD woma female has laid a small
clutch of 7 eggs, with 2 being infertile.
Orders taken now for hatchlings
at $500 each.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Axanthic X Axanthic eggs

Axanthic black headed with eggs
laid on 20.9.09. A perfect clutch
of 10 fertile eggs.
This clutch is from unrelated
Axanthic parents and is believed
to be the first pure Axanthic clutch
laid in Australia.
The order book is now full for
hatchlings from these eggs but
expressions of interest are still
invited for late cancellations.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Gravid Axanthic bhp female, due
to lay on the 23rd September.
Mated to an Axanthic male this

RHD woma female is gravid
again this year. She produces
just a few high quality babies
each year. Taking orders now.